"Changing your words changes your thoughts, ultimately changing your life!"

Societal or Social Conditioning: How Society Gained Control Over Our Thoughts

Hey there! Let's talk about societal or social conditioning and how it affects your thoughts and beliefs. It's a powerful force that has been shaping us throughout history, but we can take charge and break free from its grip.

I'm here to support you as you explore the impact of public education, religions, generational family conditioning, and even the media on your self-esteem, self-image, self-confidence, and self-worth.

What is Societal or Social Conditioning?

Social conditioning has been a constant force, adapting and evolving to suit the needs of those in power. 

Its current state can be traced back to the dawning of the industrial age when methods were developed to control the masses on a large scale. 

You and everyone have been conditioned to remain compliant, not question authority, and work long hours doing mindless repetitive jobs for borderline pay.

Understanding How We Are Conditioned

By understanding the different sides of societal conditioning, such as public education, religions, generational family upbringing, and its impact on self-esteem, self-image, self-confidence, and self-worth, you will begin to comprehend the depth to which society molds you and shapes your perception of yourself.

The Industrial Age and Manipulation

You see, during the initial startup of the industrial age a need developed for massive numbers of workers, specific influential individuals realized they could control the masses by molding us into obedient conformists. 

But you don't have to accept societal or social conditioning as your reality anymore.

How the Conditioning Reached Out

Through institutions like public education, religious organizations and generational family ties.

The industrial leaders and politicians sought to instill a sense of obedience and conformity. It came at the expense of a nations self-esteem and self-worth.

The focus shifted from nurturing unique talents and instilling self-confidence to molding you into a compliant worker who conforms to societal patterns. My question became, who sets the practices or standards to meet?

Think About This

Think about this; industrialization had been around for a while, but it didn't kick in and take over until the introduction of the horseless carriage or the first attempts at automobiles. 

Henry Ford refined the first rough attempts into a drivable, affordable mass producible machine. 

Then entered one of the chief players in development of the conditioning machine. The Rockefeller family discovered they could make obscene amounts of money by converting crude oil into fuel.

Ford's cars needed tires, which started the gigantic tire factories of the midwestern part of the USA to spring up. Massive numbers of factory workers were required to meet the demands of production.

However, not just any worker would do. They needed to follow directions, not complain (at least not too loudly), work long hours doing repetitive, mind-numbing tasks, and accept what was offered as payment.

Consider This

I would like you to consider one more point, and then I'll move on. Once I decided to start repairing my crushed self-esteem (see my About Me page for more information), I began taking classes at a local college.

I needed an elective and chose the Introduction to Learning class as a place to start. My professor turned out to be a big outside-of-the-box thinker. He loved researching the big why questions on how we are the way we are as a society.

One of the first things he presented to us was his research on John D. Rockefeller, the family patriarch, and how he helped in a big way to dummy down public education to promote societal or social conditioning.

The professor told us he had uncovered evidence of a letter written by JDR to the then Secretary of Education in DC.

The letter laid out how the masses would be happier with less to think about and to taught to follow directions without question. JDR also suggested the population should be taught to fear the truth when it was presented to them.

In my opinion, I can only imagine how cheap politicians were to buy back then. So, moving on, it is something to consider. They were paid to institute societal or social conditioning into the fabric of society.

Societal or Social Conditioning in Public Education

One of the key institutions involved in societal conditioning was and is public education. While education should ideally empower and nurture individuals, it often becomes a tool for shaping conformity.

Standardized testing and rigid curricula repress creativity and discourage critical thinking, leading to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem in those who struggle to fit into the predetermined molds.

As a student, you internalize your worth is solely determined by your grades or ability to conform rather than recognizing your unique strengths and talents. It's time to challenge that notion and embrace your unique strengths and talents.

The conditioning of our young minds had begun as children; our developing minds were conditioned to serve the industry. We were mentally and emotionally enslaved by industry and didn't even realize it.

So, this leads us to where we are today. Your inability to confront is almost pathological (don't take this personally. It is my observation). 

People like us with low self-esteem can't do it and would instead choose to feel wronged or slighted or, in the words of a couple of close millennials to me, "We would rather die than be confrontational."

I was stunned and outraged at how far the manipulation had progressed. Or perhaps I am just waking up to not fearing the truth when it is presented to me.

Religious Indoctrination Uses Societal or Social Conditioning

Religion also significantly influences societal conditioning, impacting your self-image, self-esteem and self-worth. In my opinion, most major religions do this to control you within their particular system.

But ultimately, it still benefits the larger society. Most major religious teachings emphasize guilt, shame, and the concept of original sin, leading to low self-esteem.

The fear of turning from prescribed beliefs or societal expectations contributes even more to a negative self-image and a sense of unworthiness. 

If you continue showing signs of resistance, the ultimate religious control card is pulled, which is eternal damnation to a fire pit. Who can resist that? Nowadays, many like you are resisting fear-based religious manipulations.

But let me tell you, you are worthy just as you are. You don't have to conform to someone else's expectations or beliefs. You have the power to define your path and embrace your individuality. Don't swallow the BS of societal or social conditioning.

I rewire my brain continuously with positive uplifting words. Here is a mantra I want to share with you. I say it when I wake up and just before I go to sleep.

"I am who I am, and I AM enough." I say it three times in a row twice each day. Why? Because repetition is one of the most powerful ways to rewire your brain. 

Take the time to replace unsupportive self-talk with these types of mantras. Don't give up when your brain tries to drag you back to its old familiar dark cave time and again. You want to win this battle.

Generational Family Systems

The family system is generationally based, meaning one generation passes on its brand of family life to the next generation, and so on. It, too, is heavily influenced by societal or social conditioning. 

Family life plays a crucial role in shaping your self-perception. Beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors passed down through generations can perpetuate a cycle of low self-esteem and self-doubt.

Add into that the core teachings church and educational institutions. You are talking about a power conditioning machine.

In my opinion, it is like there is this underlying unspoken law of conditioning which is: you will condtion every generation after you in the same values or something bad might happen (fear button).

Why Does Societal Conditioning Work So Well?

You internalize negative messages about your worth, capabilities, and appearance, hindering your self-confidence and discouraging your ability to break free from the chains of societal expectations.

When you do it means you become a free-thinking contributing sovereign individual. Step out of the mind matrix.

The Media's Role is Self-Perception

Oh, and let's not forget the media. It bombards you with unrealistic beauty standards and ideals that can seriously impact our self-esteem and self-image. 

Media, including advertising, movies, and social media, play a substantial role in shaping societal beauty standards and ideals, significantly impacting your self-esteem, self-worth and self-image.

Unrealistic portrayals of beauty, success, and happiness create an unattainable ideal that leads to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. But here's the thing: you are beautiful just as you are.

Those ideals are not realistic, and they don't define your worth. Let's cultivate media literacy together and consciously consume content that uplifts and celebrates diversity.

So, remember to be on guard from the constant exposure to structured, filtered, and carefully crafted images. They distort your perceptions of your worth and contribute to a negative self-image.

Breaking Free from Societal Conditioning

Millennials tell me they believe the boomer generation is too aggressive and outspoken. Yet somehow, they feel there must be a balance between the two ideologies.

You are just not sure how to go about finding that balance. In my experience, each generation builds and evolves from the previous ones.

Breaking free from societal conditioning and cultivating healthy self-esteem, self-image, self-confidence, and self-worth is a challenging but essential process you want to take on for yourself.

It requires a conscious effort and a bit of courage to challenge societal standards, question ingrained beliefs, and embrace self-acceptance.

Recognizing that your worth is not determined by external validation or conformity but by embracing your unique qualities and strengths is vital to reclaiming your sovereignty and the truth being presented to you. Don't fear it!

Promoting Self-Acceptance and Empowerment

To counteract the adverse side effects of societal conditioning in yourself, you want to upgrade your self-acceptance. Start today by empowering yourself to embrace your unique, authentic being.

Encouraging self-expression in others as well as yourself creates a supportive atmosphere. Valuing different points of view will help you develop a positive self-image and build self-confidence.

I believe education should prioritize the development of critical thinking, creativity, and individuality, nurturing a sense of self-worth that extends beyond societal expectations. But for now, it falls far short of it.

Media Literacy and Mindful Consumption

Expanding your media knowledge skills is necessary in today's intertwined world. 

By significantly weighing media messages and understanding their influence, you will begin to challenge unrealistic beauty standards and narratives that erode your self-esteem.

Mindful consumption of media, including social media, involves being aware of its impact on self-perception and consciously structuring a feed that promotes positivity, diversity, and self-acceptance. 

It empowers you and plants a favorable seed in those who read your posts.

Supportive Communities and Mental Health Resources

Let's create a supportive community where we can openly discuss our mental health and seek help without stigma. 

Therapy, counseling, and self-help resources can be invaluable in your journey of self-discovery and growth. Remember, seeking support is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Creating supportive communities and adopting open dialogue is essential in resisting the effects of societal conditioning on self-esteem and self-worth.

You have probably noticed how big-name stars and people of influence are now encouraging conversations about mental health. Just by visiting this page to access resources, you're helping destigmatize reaching out for help.

You are taking giant steps toward building flexibility and empowering yourself to challenge false societal expectations.

Therapy, counseling, and self-help resources can significantly nurture personal growth, heal from past conditioning, and develop a healthy sense of self.

Summing it All Up for You

Societal conditioning invades countless parts of your life through education, religion, generational family belief systems, and media. Its impact on self-esteem, self-image, self-confidence, and self-worth cannot be understated.

Recognizing the pervasive nature of societal conditioning is the first step towards breaking free from its grasp.

By encouraging your self-acceptance, empowering yourself to challenge societal norms, cultivating critical thinking, and creating supportive communities, you will form values that celebrate your authentic self-expression, individuality, and the inherent worth of every person.

You can redefine success and happiness on your terms. Embrace your voice, your passions, and your dreams. You have the power to shape your narrative.

So, take control of your thoughts and beliefs, one step at a time. I believe in you, and I'm here cheering you on. You are capable, resilient, and worthy of all the love and respect in the world. Trust yourself, and let's break free from societal conditioning together.

Side note: In my opinion

The '60s generation introduced the societal changing rock music and rebellious peaceful demonstrations against the status quo.

But as the Vietnam War faded into the historical past, the collective industrial consciousness offered the comfort of steady paychecks.

The movement to change society eventually bowed to and was absorbed into the existing system. It was like the change had never taken place.

One thing remained unseen; the system hadn't realized the change movement had planted a seed in the collective hive mind, and it started growing and is still growing and evolving today.

A different way of viewing life was introduced into our "mental matrix" and upset the system.

The current generation seeks a way out of being subservient to others and acts out their rebellion in other ways. They find freedom in music, art, and, unfortunately, substance abuse and suicide.

You must know that social conditioning still occurs in our minds through the public education system, religious indoctrination, and generational upbringing.

Return to What is Social Conditioning.

"Think like Spring; always embrace renewal and growth."