"Changing your words changes your thoughts, ultimately changing your life!"

What is Social Conditioning: Why You Want to Understand it

Hi! I appreciate you taking your time to visit my page. Have you ever wondered why you behave the way you do? Why do you like the things you like? Why do you believe the things you believe?

Part of the answer may lie in social conditioning. Social conditioning is how society teaches us to behave, think, and feel in specific ways. It starts from the moment we are born and continues throughout our lives.

Social conditioning can be both positive and negative. On the one hand, it can help us to learn critical social skills and norms. It can also help us to develop a sense of identity and belonging. Part of this is due to collective consciousness.

To learn more, go to What is the Collective Consciousness

On the other hand, social conditioning can also be limiting. It can prevent us from thinking for ourselves and expressing our true selves. It leads to prejudice, discrimination and division. When we are conditioned to fear each other, we are easy to control. Find out more about Social Conditioning.

The Pros and Cons of Social Conditioning


Learning vital social skills and norms

  • Social conditioning teaches you how to behave in a way acceptable to society, including things like how to dress, how to talk, and how to interact with others.

Develop a sense of identity and belonging

  • Social conditioning helps you to develop a sense of identity and belonging. It teaches us what society expects of us and how we fit into a culture.

Makes it easier to navigate the world

  • Social conditioning makes it easier for you to navigate the world. We know what to expect from others and how to behave in different situations.


Prevents you from thinking for yourself

  • Social conditioning can prevent us from thinking for ourselves. We may mindlessly and blindly follow the norms and expectations of society without ever questioning them.

Limits your self-expression

  • Social conditioning can restrict our self-expression. We may feel we must conform to specific standards to be accepted by others. In my experience, by not expressing our true nature we become frustrated which leads to arguments and disagreements.

Leads to prejudice and discrimination

  • Social conditioning can lead to prejudice and discrimination. We are even taught to see certain groups of people as inferior or less deserving of respect. It seems there is a real increase in it these days.

What is Social Conditioning and the Collective Human Consciousness?

Social conditioning is a powerful force that shapes the collective human consciousness. It is the glue that holds society together, which is why we have so many shared beliefs and values.

However, social conditioning can also be a source of conflict. Different groups' different beliefs and values can lead to misunderstanding and conflict.

The key is to understand social conditioning and to be aware of its limitations. Knowing how social conditioning works, we can break free from its harmful effects and become more independent thinkers. Go to Social Conditioning for a more in-depth understanding. Query your brain by asking it often what social conditioning is.

To gain more knowledge about social conditioning be sure and visit Examples of Social Conditioning

The Matrix or Mind Illusion

The negative side of social conditioning can be compared to the matrix mind, an illusion. 

In the movie The Matrix, humans are unknowingly trapped in a simulated reality created by machines. They are conditioned to believe that the simulated reality is the real world.

Matrix Numbers

Similarly, social conditioning influences you to believe that the reality you experience is the only reality. You may not even realize that we are mentally and emotionally conditioned. I mean after all, what is social conditioning? 

The good news is that you can break free from this illusion. You can start to see the world for what it actually is and live your life on your terms. To find out more about breaking free from the mind matrix check out Social Conditioning.

How to Overcome Negative Social Conditioning

The first step to overcoming negative social conditioning is to become aware of it. Once you know how social conditioning affects you, you can start to challenge it.

Here are some tips for overcoming negative social conditioning:

Think for yourself

  • Don't just mindlessly follow the norms and expectations of society. Take the time to think critically about your beliefs and values. Keep asking yourself what is social conditioning?

Express yourself

  • Don't be afraid to be yourself. If you feel you must conform to specific standards to be accepted by others, then you are not being true to yourself and simply be controlled by the dominate collective thought.

Educate yourself

  • Learn about different cultures and perspectives. The more you learn about diversity in the world, the less likely you will be influenced by negative social conditioning.

Find or create a support system

  • Surround yourself with people who support your journey to self-discovery. They can help you to stay on track and to challenge harmful social conditioning.

Discovering Self-Awareness

One of the most important things you can do to overcome negative social conditioning is to develop self-awareness. 

Self-awareness is the ability to understand your thoughts, feelings, and motivations. It is also the ability to know how your thoughts, feelings, and motivations affect your behavior.

When you are self-aware, you are better equipped to challenge harmful social conditioning. You can see how it is affecting you, and you can start to make changes. But until you become aware of it it's like it doesn't exist.

Summing it All Up for You

Social conditioning is a powerful force that shapes your life. It can be positive and negative, but it is essential to be aware of its effects to make informed choices about how you want to live your life.

If you find that you are being negatively affected by social conditioning, there are things you can do to break free. The first step is to become aware of the conditioning. Once you know what you are dealing with, you can challenge it.

Remember, you are not alone. The majority of us are conditioned by society in negative ways. As you continue to redefine yourself periodically ask yourself again like it's a knew question, what is social conditioning?

But it is possible to break free and to live a life that is true to yourself. Remember, societal or social conditioning starts at birth. In my opinion, in the womb. So never feel low self-worth because you didn't know it was happening. 

Have you ever wondered why you behave the way you do? Why do you like the things you like? Why do you believe the things you believe? Consider it is due to Social Conditioning.

"Think like Spring; always embrace renewal and growth."